What do you need to move by public transport in Madrid?

When we travel to a foreign country, the means of transport that we use is one of the most important things you need to know in advance. In the case of Spanish cities there are several options to travel by public transport, depending on the length of stay and the area where you are . In this articles we will focus on the rates and offers that are in the city of Madrid.

public transportation madrid

The Tourist Ticket is a degree of personal transport , which allows the holder to make an unlimited number of trips on the package of regular passenger transport operating within the chosen area, with the exceptions indicated.

In use, the user must be in possession of a coupon with the area and the corresponding validity period , which will be indicated at the time of the acquisition, the number of ID card or passport holder . Not be valid coupons that do not contain such information.

Ticket types

  • Validity by five types of fertilizers : 1, 2 , 3, 5 and 7 days
  • By age two types : normal and children (under 11 years).

Two zones have been defined for these fertilizers : A zone that corresponds to the limits of the tariff zone and practically coincides with the municipality of Madrid and the geographical area comprising T all fertilizers .

The tickets are valid for specified days for each type of ticket from the date of first use . At that time , it will be printed on the back of the coupon expiration date. The validity will be extended on existing night service until 05:00 pm on the day listed as the expiration date.

Tickets valid for area A may be used for :

  • Metro, in all lines within this zone .
  • All EMT bus lines , except the Airport Express line .
  • RENFE between suburban stations that are included in this area.
  • Light Rail ML1 .

Tickets valid for T area can also be used in the above services, the extensions of the lines and other areas.

The Tourist Ticket can be purchased at the following outlets :

  • The outlets of tourist tickets for public transport in Metro stations Aeropuerto T1- T2 -T3 and T4 Airport
  • Centro de Turismo de Madrid
  • All stations on the Metro
  • Traveler Care Center Metro station Sol
  • Headquarters of the Regional Transport Consortium Madrid
  • Atocha railway station.
  • Top national and international Tour Operators
  • Top Spanish travel agencies
  • In certain watertight Madrid
  • Internet
  • Offices Management Public Transportation Card existing at Moncloa and Principe Pío , and headquarters of EMT